You may have heard of eye floaters, but might not know what they are or what they look like. It can be hard to tell if you have ever had a floater before if you do not know what to look for. Though they are typically harmless and quite normal to … [Continue reading]
Floaters in the Eye Causes
Even if you are already aware that eye floaters are normal, you may be wondering what causes them. When it comes to floaters in the eye, causes vary, but there are a couple of main reasons that they exist. One is quite normal, while the other may be … [Continue reading]
Causes and Treatment for Floaters and Flashes
Many people have experienced both floaters and flashes in the eye before, sometimes at the same time. However, it should be known that these two issues are not the same thing, and even occur for different reasons. It is helpful to find out what the … [Continue reading]
Learning About Eye Disorders: Eye Floaters
When it comes to eye disorders, floaters are some of the least worrisome since they do not typically cause long-term issues. They occasionally signify a more serious problem that could end in blindness, but in such cases, they are merely a symptom, … [Continue reading]